/ 1 min read
What should I learn in computer science?
0/ Introduction
Do not treat this writeup as the best of the best resources or roadmap. First of all, I created this list of resources for my personal use.
1/ Computer Systems
Berkley CS.61C: Computer Systems
2/ Operating Systems
Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces - Book
WISC CS.537: Introduction to Operating Systems
MIT 6.S081: Operating System Engineering
3/ Algorithms
MIT 6.006: Introduction to Algorithms
4/ Math
MIT 18.01SC: Single Variable Calculus
MIT 18.02SC: Multiariable Calculus
5/ Networking
CS144: Introduction to Computer Networking
6/ Databases
CMU 15-445/645: Intro to Database Systems - Lectures
CMU 15-445/645: Intro to Database Systems - Assignments
7/ Distributed Systems
MIT 6.5840: Distributed Systems
Martin Kleppmann: Distributed Systems